Updated: 2010-09-30 03:45:26
Warwick Castle from the banks of the Avon. Photo May 1998.
Updated: 2010-09-22 23:06:25
Colorful buildings along the road outside the entrance to Pembroke Castle. Photo May 2003.
Updated: 2010-09-15 21:06:06
The keep of Dover Castle, built in the reign of Henry II, along with a replica siege engine. Photo May 2003.
Updated: 2010-09-13 06:37:33
Just a couple of stories today: * Elizabeth Jenkins dies at 104 – Articles from the New York Times and from The Telegraph. Two of Ms. Jenkins’ books were some of the first I picked up when I started to collect them in earnest – “Elizabeth the Great” and “Elizabeth and Leicester” * Sotheby’s to [...]
Updated: 2010-09-09 04:08:26
Plaque next to the tomb of Katherine Parr in St. Mary’s Church at Sudeley Castle. Photo May 1998. The inscription on the plaque was copied from the one on Katherine’s casket.
Updated: 2010-09-09 04:08:25
Since I was off doing my Labor Day cookout on Sunday, I figured I would so my Sunday blogging on Labor Day. * Shakespeare’s face recreated for UK HIstory Channel program called “Death Masks” * Reformation documents go on show – New exhibition from the National Library of Scotland. Additional article here. * Hilary Mantel’s [...]
Updated: 2010-09-09 04:08:23
The Old Palace at Hatfield. Photo May 1998.
Updated: 2010-09-09 04:08:22
* 525th anniversary of the Battle of Bosworth event staged on ‘wrong site’ – Be sure to check out the photos of the battle re-enactment * From the Vaults: ‘Anna Boleyn’ (1920) – A movie blogger’s entertaining review of a 90-year-old Tudor film * Primary sources related to Elizabeth I, From the Elizabeth Files. This [...]